Diligent Home Watch Service
Diligent Home Watch service (dhw) is a property monitoring service. Other names for this type of service are house watch, house check, home concierge, caretaker, absentee home service, and property watch. So regardless of the name, a home watch service performs scheduled visual inspections of home or property looking for obvious issues while the owner is away.
Having more than one home is an obvious blessing that you have worked hard to obtain. But additional residences represent substantial investments and, like most of us, you want to make sure their value is protected. Simply put, you cannot live in each home at the same time. One of the realities of life is simply that “things happen regardless of our best laid plans and good intentions”. There is still so much that is out of our control. So how do you get peace of mind and know your property is being well taken care of?
Find Peace of Mind
With Diligent Home Watch, you can find peace of mind by letting our home watch inspectors be your eyes and ears while you are away. Our inspectors are extremely thorough while checking both inside and outside making certain that everything is as it should be. They look for leaks, pests, mold and other obvious issues which can be present in homes left alone for even the shortest interval. Nothing lasts forever and so we have to be prepared for when those events do occur. Let Diligent Home Watch service be your eyes and ears and give you peace of mind.
Home Watch Services
dhw provides multiple home watch service inspection options to assist you in protecting and maintaining your investment providing peace of mind while you are away.
In addition to our Standard Services, Diligent Home Watch provides Custom Services. Tell us your concerns and we will create a custom service to fit your special needs.
If something happens while you are away, dhw can act as your local contact for such immediate concerns and can make local decisions for you with your guidance.
Our Welcome Home Service allows you to know the temperature and condition of your property is as it should be and there are refreshments in the refrigerator waiting.
Contact Us for a Free In-Home Consultation
Every home is as different as every homeowner. dhw offers a free in-home consultation regarding your home and its vulnerability when you are away. While living in the Desert is great, the summer climate can be very hard on your home. Without timely checks, even a small water leak can lead to mold and other problems that can quickly result in thousands of dollars of damage. We can be there when you are not and give you peace of mind.

Guard Dog Shyla