In-Home Watch Services Consultations
We love new in-home watch service consultations. As one of the owners of Diligent Home Watch, I want to personally thank you for your interest in dhw. I look forward to hearing from you and the possibility of working with you. Most of all, I hope that you allow us the opportunity to give you the peace of mind knowing that your home is being diligently watched during your absence.
Please give us a call (714-305-1504) or complete the form below and give us a general idea of what your needs are and we will contact you just as soon as possible.

Diligent Home Watch
Contact Us for a Free In-Home Consultation
Every home is as different as every homeowner. dhw offers a free in-home consultation regarding your home and its vulnerability when you are away. While living in the Desert is great, the summer climate can be very hard on your home. Without timely checks, even a small water leak can lead to mold and other problems that can quickly result in thousands of dollars of damage. We can be there when you are not and give you peace of mind.

Guard Dog Shyla